Now a days programming knowledge is essential for every Software professional, For Software developers Programming knowledge is mainstream so it is mandatory, For Software Testers who wants to use automation tools (Ex: UFT/QTP or Selenium etc...) it is important, For Database Developers also it is important (ex: In Oracle RDBMS they use Procedure Language), For System Administrators/Network Administrators also programming knowledge is important (ex: In Shell scripting they use programming features/logic). So Programming knowledge is important for every Software professional. Software Testing: Software Testing can be done in two ways, 1) Manual Testing (Testing Computer Software, Mobile Software manually without using any tool or program) 2) Test Automation / Automated Testing (Testing Computer Software, Mobile Software using any automation tool or program) If we follow Manual Testing then Programming knowledge is optional or not required, just understanding requirements,...
Quality is free, but only to those who are willing to pay heavily for it